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Product BRO.P.LINEAR_POS-LI-Q25L-E.KR (HTML, 181.9K)
All Specifications Download Brochure/Folder/Flyer (BRO) LI-Q25 — Shock-resistant linear position sensors (KR) 383 KB Hide All Open All

Last update: 21 June 2024, 9:10 pm


Shock-Resistant Linear Position Sensors with IO-Link (HTML, 180.5K)
insight into benefits and functions in 90 seconds At a Glance: Process Optimization with IO-Link IO-Link is essential for paving the way for efficient, digital production Flyer: Li-Q25L Linear Position

Last update: 16 July 2024, 1:15 am


Exact Height Positioning (HTML, 226.8K)
. Although an LED on the sensor indicates if the positioning element is outside of the measuring range, Zierer wanted to output this signal on the controller. The LI sensor was able to impress in this scenario

Last update: 16 July 2024, 1:09 am


Shock-Resistant Linear Position Sensors with IO-Link (HTML, 172.4K)
Shock-Resistant Linear Position Sensors with IO-Link 20/21 – Turck's robust Li-Q25L achieves a shock resistance of 200 g and combines the benefits of the contactless inductive measuring

Last update: 16 July 2024, 1:23 am


Shock-Resistant Linear Position Sensors with IO-Link (HTML, 172.1K)
Shock-Resistant Linear Position Sensors with IO-Link 20/21 – Turck's robust Li-Q25L achieves a shock resistance of 200 g and combines the benefits of the contactless inductive measuring

Last update: 16 July 2024, 1:15 am


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