BL67 Modular I/O System Provides Flexible Communications for Industrial Ethernet Networks
MInneapolis, MN - August 29, 2013
TURCK announces the BL67 on-machine modular I/O system for industrial Ethernet. Designed to provide flexible communication capabilities, the BL67 modular I/O system elevates a variety of I/O signals to common industrial Ethernet networks, including digital inputs, digital outputs, analog I/O and specialty I/O such as serial interfaces and RFID.
Featuring TURCK’s Multiprotocol technology, the BL67 offers an easy-to-deploy industrial Ethernet solution. The BL67 combines three Ethernet protocols—EtherNet/IP™, Modbus™ TCP and PROFINET®—in a single device, yet only allows one Ethernet master to control the outputs while the input and diagnostic data is available to the other protocols.
"The BL67 modular I/O system with Multiprotocol technology employs a unique operating system that provides unprecedented flexibility," said Matt Boudjouk, Product Manager, TURCK. "Designed to simplify industrial Ethernet for Distributed I/O, this innovative technology offers all the latest feature sets, including quick-connect and DLR support for EtherNet/IP and fast start-up, LLDP, GSDML file configuration for PROFINET and linear topology support for all three supported industrial Ethernet protocols."
TURCK is an industry leader providing superior quality sensing, connectivity and network products to help manufacturers improve their automated processes.
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